Our lab uses C. elegans to study the molecular mechanisms of synapse development, focusing on how presynaptic proteins such as neurexins and active zone scaffold molecules interact and assemble. We have found a surprising role for protein-lipid interactions early in the process of synapse assembly. We also use C. elegans to model human patient mutations in presynaptic calcium channels to gain a better understanding of how and why these mutations lead to varied patient manifestations.
The Smith lab investigates the molecular mechanisms that underly synaptic inhibition, its plasticity and how it is disrupted in disease. We use advanced microscopy techniques like super-resolution microscopy to analyze the fine details of the synapse, and link these findings to synapse function and diversity, therefore providing a new logic to synaptic inhibition.
Dr. Carrie Esopenko is an Associate Professor in the Brain Injury Research Center at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. She is also holds an adjunct faculty appointment at the Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion Center at the University of Utah, as well as in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at Rutgers – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She is the principal investigator of a National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke R01-funded multi-site study examining the psychological, cognitive, and neural signatures of IPV-related head trauma. She is the Lead Investigator of the ENIGMA Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Working Group seeking to increase IPV brain injury research collaborations worldwide, and co-leads ENIGMA Global Knowledge Exchange Network which seeks to provide education and training supports to service providers and advocates working with IPV-related brain injury. Her research focuses on understanding the effects of neurotrauma and mental health conditions across populations, and identifying methods for injury prevention and patient-specific and community-based intervention strategies.
Early life stress increases sensitivity to stress later in life, which may be at the root of increased risk for mental health disorders. Our work seeks to understand the mechanistic underpinnings of this heightened stress sensitivity. Using transgenic mice to label and capture experience-actiated neurons, we show that neurons active during early life stress are more likely to be reactivated during adult stress experience, and that chemogenetically inhibiting these neurons rescues behavioral changes. Heightened cellular reactivity may be due to long-lasting changes in the epigenome that leave chromatin more open and transcriptionally reactive to additional stimuli, particularly in stress-activated neurons. Together, this work supports a biological model in which stress alters chromatin development, leading to increased cellular reactivity and ultimately behavioral sensitivity to future stress.
Cortical interneurons are the most transcriptionally and morphologically diverse neurons in the brain, characterized in part by their striking degree of synaptic specificity. However, little is known about the extent of their synaptic diversity due to the lack of unbiased methods to extract features of synaptic organization among interneuron subtypes. In this talk, I will introduce an approach we developed that combines imaging and computational extraction of synaptic features from genetically-identified interneuron synapses and their subcellular specificity among postsynaptic targets. A machine-learning approach (1) reveals hundreds of spatial and structural features from each analyzed synapse, (2) constructs a multidimensional data set, consisting of millions of synapses, and (3) uncovers novel synaptic subgroups. By analyzing this dataset, we found that dendrite-targeting synaptic subgroups were clustered onto distinct subdomains of the dendrite along the proximal to distal axis; Soma-targeting subgroups were enriched onto different postsynaptic cell types; Finally, the two main subclasses of interneurons, basket cells and somatostatin interneurons, utilize distinct strategies to enact inhibitory synaptic coverage. Thus, we uncover previously unknown structural and topological features of inhibitory synaptic organization and establishes a conceptual framework for studying inhibitory synaptic diversity in health and disease.
Social isolation and loneliness has been on the rise for the last 20yrs. Many studies have linked increased rates of isolation and loneliness to dementia, depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders, but how isolation affects the brain to alter behaviors is unknown. Here, we focus on how isolation impairs learning and memory in the model organism Drosophila. We’ve found that isolation impairs learning and reduces synaptic proteins in the brains of fruit flies. This appears to cause alterations to their neural circuitry that impairs learning by reducing the capacity for synaptic plasticity.
The human functional connectome has become synonymous with its fMRI heritage, which yields connectivity on the basis of extremely slow fluctuations of the hemodynamic signal. Recently however, these slow connectivity patterns have been complemented with fast connectivity from electrophysiological measures. In this talk, I will discuss synergistic investigations of the functional connectome that use multiple complimentary acquisition methods. This multi-modal approach has demonstrated that the connectome comprises both fast, oscillation-based connectivity observable in EEG, and extremely slow connectivity best captured with fMRI. While the fast and slow processes share spatial organization, these processes unfold in a temporally independent manner. Our findings suggest that equivalent dynamics are engaged across all timescales, but at different speeds. Infraslow and rapid connectivity of various frequency bands can thus be conceptualized as a multiplex of concurrent trajectories through a shared space of discrete connectome states. In conclusion, basic and translational research will benefit from comprehensively considering the full breadth of the functional connectome’s timescales.
Memories for events (i.e., episodic memories) formed in early development differ from those in adulthood in at least two regards. First, these memories tend to be rapidly forgotten (i.e., infantile amnesia). Second, they tend to be less precise than those formed in adulthood (i.e., infantile generalization). My talk will focus on the neurobiological mechanisms that account for these different operating characteristics of episodic memory in the developing brain. With respect to infantile amnesia, we have shown that maturation of cortical circuits is necessary for the formation of enduring event memories. With respect to infantile generalization, our studies reveal that maturation of inhibitory microcircuits in the hippocampus are necessary for the formation of adult-like, precise memories for events.
The amygdalostrital transition zone (ASt) is situated at a crossroads between the amygdala and striatum, but its role in motivated behaviors is poorly understood. We have explored the functional role and genetic identity of this structure, and found the first evidence that the ASt encodes negative valence across behavioral timescales and is essential for orchestrating behavioral fear responses.
I will discuss unpublished projects exploring the circuit basis of action selection, describing how in-house development of an automated tool for behavioral annotation modified our research arc. Starting from cocaine-driven stereotypic actions, we are exploring the neural circuit basis of involuntary and spontaneous actions, and developing a framework for studying the neural circuit basis of volition.
Decision making strategies in the face of conflicting or uncertain sensory input have been successfully described in many different species. Here we analyze large behavioral datasets of larval zebrafish engaged in a ‘coherent dot’ optomotor assay. We find that animal performance is bimodal and can be separated into two ‘states’, an engaged state where performance is high and fish consistently turn into the direction of the coherent motion, and a second, disengaged state, where performance drops to chance. We find that a simple HMM is sufficient to model these transitions and fits our experimental data well. We find that this addition can be incorporated into an existing DDM framework that has previously been used to model perceptual decision making in larval zebrafish. Further, we leverage the large behavioral data sets to fit a mixture model of performance distributions and extract two latent variables which we term ‘focus’ and ‘competence’. Whereas ‘competence’ quantifies performance while the fish is in the engaged state, the ‘focus’ variable captures the relative duration for which each animal persists in the engaged state. We show that ‘focus’ may be largely inherited from the parents, while ‘competence’ is more likely to be influenced by environmental context. This quantitative framework for analyzing decision making can be used to screen genetic perturbations for their impact on these two aspects of performance, and potentially help to identify a genetic basis, and a neural mechanism for attention, that extends across organisms.
Microglia and astrocytes have been implicated in remodeling synapses, but whether and how these cells coordinate to remodel synapses remain open questions. Here, we have identified key mechanistic underpinnings by which microglia instruct astrocytes to modify their synaptic coverage to enable synapse removal. We are further identifying how the degree of astrocyte synapse ensheathment can dictate windows of plasticity to enable microglia-mediated synapse remodeling in health and disease.
Our research program aims to shed light on the biological mechanisms underlying stress vulnerability vs resilience, with help of state-of-the-art photonic technology, in order to develop innovative treatments and identify biomarkers of mood disorders. Our multidisciplinary approach combines behavioral experiments to functional, cellular, molecular, and imaging studies and validation of our rodent findings in human samples. We showed that chronic stress exposure promotes blood-brain barrier hyperpermeability leading to passage of circulating inflammatory mediators into the brain and the establishment of depressive behaviors. These changes occur in a sex-specific manner which may contribute to sex differences in depression prevalence, symptoms and treatment responses.
GABAergic interneurons play crucial roles in regulating neuronal activity in the cerebral cortex. A hallmark of cortical interneurons is their remarkable structural and functional diversity, yet the molecular determinants and the precise timing underlying their diversification remain largely unknown. The search for mechanisms controlling the diversity of GABAergic interneurons has primarily focused on transcriptional programs driving the initial specification of different types of interneurons. However, relatively little is known about the mechanisms regulating their terminal differentiation. In this talk, I will describe molecular mechanisms controlling the maturation and plasticity of PV+ interneurons, a subclass of cortical interneurons that is particularly vulnerable across a broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders.
In our daily life, animal behaviours rely on precise connectivity between neurons in the brain that can be modulated by experience. In the mammalian cerebral cortex, these connections reach an extraordinary complexity. How are these cortical circuitries built? How they respond to activity and what happens when they fail during development are questions that we are currently addressing in my lab. In this seminar, I will focus on the precise integration of diverse neuronal populations during development, regulated by intrinsic molecular mechanisms and dynamic fine-tuning mechanisms that maintain the balance between excitation and inhibition. For instance, the development of excitatory pyramidal cells is simultaneously and precisely counterbalanced by the formation of inhibitory synapses during the maturation of neuronal circuits. Although this process relies on neuronal activity, different types of pyramidal cells likely respond to changes in activity through the expression of cell-specific genes.
In this lecture, I will discuss our group’s efforts to deconstruct the psychedelic ‘state’, drawing on both human and mouse experiments. While dreaming, anesthesia and psychedelics are often considered distinct, I argue that they share an underlying physiology, phenomenology and possibly therapeutic effect.
Numerous drugs have the ability to alter our perception, cognition, and mood. Some of these compounds, such as ketamine and serotonergic psychedelics, have also shown promise as treatment for mental illnesses. The behavioral effects are often long-lasting, presumably because the drugs act on synapses and dendrites to induce plasticity in the brain. In this talk, I will describe a series of studies from my lab aimed at understanding the mechanism of action of psilocybin, using subcellular-resolution two-photon imaging, in vivo electrophysiology, rabies viral tracing, and other molecular and behavioral approaches in mice. The results provide insights into the drug action of psychedelics on neural circuits.
How does the brain process sensory information to generate adaptive behaviors that are innate, yet flexible? My lab investigates this question in the taste system of the fruit fly Drosophila, which offers unique tools to study how individual neurons contribute to neural circuit computations and behavior. First, I will discuss our work using optogenetics, behavior, calcium imaging, and connectomic analyses to investigate how taste circuits transform sensory signals into motor actions. Second, I will discuss a project that bridges experimental and theoretical approaches to understand how flies make foraging decisions. Through these studies, we hope to uncover principles of neural processing that generalize across species.
Working in the laboratory of the late Hugh McLennan (Department of Physiology, UBC) Stephen Kehl and I discovered that NMDA receptors trigger the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus. Since these early experiments, the roles of glutamate receptors and their associated signalling processes have been extensively studied. I will provide an overview of the mechanisms of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus and how this information is being used to understand the molecular basis of, and to develop treatments for, a wide variety of brain disorders. In this respect, I will summarise some of our recent work in the areas of neurodevelopmental, psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases.
Switching between cognitive states is a natural tendency, even for trained experts. To test how cognitive state impacts the relationship between neural activity and behavior, we measured cortex-wide neural activity during decision-making in mice. Task variables and instructed movements elicited similar neural responses regardless of state, but the neural activity associated with spontaneous, uninstructed movements became highly variable during disengagement. Surprisingly, this heightened variability was not due to an increase in movements: behavioral videos showed equally frequent movements in both cognitive states. But while the movement frequency remained similar, movement timing changed: as animals slipped into disengagement, their movements became erratically timed. These idiosyncratic movements were a strong predictor of task performance and drove increased variance in neural activity. Our results argue that movements constitute an embodied signature of cognitive state. These observations lay the foundation for future large-scale recording experiments in freely moving animals that we will conduct using novel tools that we have recently developed.
Ethologists describing animals in the wild have long appreciated that naturalistic, self-motivated behavior is built from modules that are linked together over time into predictable sequences. Many such sequences are built to extract information from the environment. And yet, it remains unclear how the brain regulates the selection of individual behavioral modules for expression at any given moment, or how it dynamically composes these modules into the fluid behaviors observed when animals act of their own volition, and in the absence of experimental restraint, task structure or explicit reward. Here we use novel methods for characterizing spontaneous mouse behavior — combined with neural recordings and closed-loop manipulations — to reveal mechanisms used by the brain to create the architecture of self-guided behavior. I will describe recent results in which we explain behavioral variation across timescales ranging from milliseconds to millennia.
Noradrenaline (NA) is a strong modulator of neuronal activity, and many symptoms in patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be attributed to the maladaptive activity of locus coeruleus (LC), the main source of forebrain NA; hence, it has garnered much attention as a potential lens through which to view and understand ASD. Our lab recently uncovered a role for dysregulated LC-NA function in motor learning delays in the 16p11.2 deletion mouse model of ASD (Yin et al., Nature Neuroscience 2021). We found that reduced NA levels in the primary motor cortex (M1) caused delays in motor learning and increased neuronal activity in pyramidal neurons (PNs) of M1 in 16p11.2 deletion mice. Strikingly, both the behavioral and neuronal phenotypes were rescued by chemogenetic activation of LC-NA.
In order to fully characterize the local dynamic NA levels during learning in the 16p11.2 deletion mice, we employ a newly developed optical NA sensor, GRABNE, with in vivo two-photon imaging to visualize the spatiotemporal release patterns of NA in M1 during motor learning. Intriguingly, we find that while wild-type (WT) mice exhibit consistently elevated NA levels during movements, 16p11.2 deletion mice show a delay in behaviorally induced NA increases. In addition to the delay in temporal dynamics, 16p11.2 deletion mice show altered spatial dynamics, with sparser and less behavior-specific NA release across M1 during the initial learning. In addition, we also assess the LC-NA axonal neuronal activity in M1 using in vivo Ca2+ imaging. We also observe that behavior-related activity transients are less reliable in 16p11.2 deletion mice with more unspecific activity transients during the baseline period. Intriguingly, pharmacological and closed loop optogenetic manipulations that disrupt the spatial and temporal specificity of NA release, respectively, in M1 were sufficient to induce delayed motor learning in WT mice. Our results offer new insights into the temporal dynamics of NA release at fine spatial scales within one brain region and how the specificities are critical for motor skill acquisition.
MAY 16
MAY 30
The brain’s primary immune cells, microglia, are a leading causal cell type in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Yet, the mechanisms by which microglia can drive neurodegeneration remain unresolved. Here, we discover that a conserved stress signaling pathway, the integrated stress response (ISR), characterizes a microglia subset with neurodegenerative outcomes. Autonomous activation of ISR in microglia is sufficient to induce early features of the ultrastructurally distinct “dark microglia” linked to pathological synapse loss. In AD models, microglial ISR activation exacerbates neurodegenerative pathologies and synapse loss while its inhibition ameliorates them. Mechanistically, we present evidence that ISR activation promotes the secretion of toxic lipids by microglia, impairing neuron homeostasis and survival in vitro. Accordingly, pharmacological inhibition of ISR or lipid synthesis mitigates synapse loss in AD models. Our results demonstrate that microglial ISR activation represents a neurodegenerative phenotype, which may be sustained, at least in part, by the secretion of toxic lipids.
Sodium (²³Na) MRI is a powerful tool for investigating sodium homeostasis in the brain, offering a unique, non-invasive method to study in vivo changes in sodium concentrations in both healthy and pathological conditions. Sodium plays an essential role in brain function by maintaining membrane potentials, supporting cellular energy metabolism, and regulating ion gradients – critical processes for neuronal activity and tissue integrity. Disruptions in sodium balance are recognized as key contributors to numerous neurological disorders, making in vivo ²³Na MRI an innovative and highly valuable technique for advancing neuroscience research.
This presentation will emphasize the neuroscientific applications of in vivo ²³Na MRI, particularly its capacity to reveal sodium imbalances associated with neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. I will focus on research in multiple sclerosis (MS), where altered sodium homeostasis has been explored as a promising biomarker of disease progression and its impact on motor and cognitive function. More broadly, I will explore how in vivo sodium MRI enhances our understanding of brain pathophysiology and its potential role in a wide range of neurological disorders beyond MS.
Dr. Wellington will be introducing a new CFI funded Core Facility that will focus on fluid biomarkers relevant to clinical neurology and fundamental neuroscience.